Tag Archives: Dr. Lynn Tan

The beginning of a new me… My 7-Day Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme (DRP) Journey — Intro


WOW, how do I begin. Alot of things have happened since my last blog, which was practically a year ago. About half a year after I wrote it, I stumbled upon a blog by a lady who suffered from depression. She got well by taking supplements that “balanced” out her brain’s chemistry. I started researching about that after I read her blog and that’s when I discovered nutrient therapy. I Googled for a doctor that specialises in nutritional medicine in Singapore and eventually wound up at Dr. Melanie Phuah’s website for her practice — Nutramed Clinic. I called the clinic to make an appointment to see her and the rest is history. I’ll blog about my experience with nutrient therapy soon and will include a link to it here once I’m done with this post on my DRP!

DRP stands for Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme. As the name suggests, it’s a therapeutic regime that detoxifies your body of toxins and poisons that have been accumulated in your body either through neglect, abuse or ignorance, and restores the nutritional, hormonal and metabolic balance in your body. Once the body has gone through the DRP and is free of toxins and balanced, it begins to heal itself.

The DRP is the result of Dr. Lynn Tan’s many years of research and experience. And it all began with her personal journey.

There are many, literally thousands, of testimonies about the benefits of undergoing the DRP. Those healed have included people with high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, constipation, migraines, fatigue, impotence, IBS, liver & kidney problems, hormonal imbalance, weight problems, menstrual problems, sinusitis, skin diseases, allergies, etc.

The DRP is very flexible. It can be taken on full-time for 3, 5, 7, or 10–21 days, or on a modified schedule for those who are working. I’m doing it full-time for 7 days.

You can get what you need to embark on it from NewLife, which Dr. Lynn started to provide those wishing to do the DRP with what they need. They have offices in Malaysia and Singapore. If you’re outside of these countries, do contact them to find out how you can get what you need.

So, why do I need to do a DRP if my main fight is with clinical depression?

I’ve had an ongoing battle with my weight since 2000. Somehow, I could never lose the 10kg I gained after I quit drugs. I’d lose a few kg from alot of exercise and a healthy diet but I’d pretty much put it on again after some time. It takes alot of effort to lose the weight. And I got tired of yo-yo’ing around.

I also have this problem of feeling bloated most of the time. Something just doesn’t feel right and there’s this feeling that I’m retaining more water under my skin than I should.

I’ve also been a wine drinker for some years now. And if I wind back the clock even further, I had a history of hard partying and hard drug abuse back in my late teens to mid-20s. If anything, my liver needs to be detoxified badly.

There was also the promise of a cleaned up gut that I wanted. Nutrients and supplements are absorbed much more efficiently when your gut is clean. With the kind of toxic foods and chemical-laden environment we have, an accumulation of waste and encrustations can build up in your gut. It only makes sense then for me to do some serious scrubbing of my insides.

After much preparation (getting the products, foods for juicing, equipment for juicing & enema, etc), and trust me there’s quite a bit of prep involved, I decided to embark on it on the 1 Dec, the first day of the month! Great start to a month! Woot!

As I was preparing what I’d need for the 7 days, I realised that I haven’t really seen anyone blog about their DRP experience online. There are alot of testimonies but not much journaling of their experience. Besides, I’d NEVER done a coffee enema before and the whole idea was pretty daunting. If I knew in detail what to expect, perhaps I’d be better prepared. So I figured, why not share my experience and mistakes online for others so that they’d be better prepared for what lies ahead and what not to do.

Hence this post, and I hope you’ll benefit from the sharing of my experience.

In order to get started on the DRP, you’ll need the below:


— The DRP pack
There are a few options to choose from, depending on whether it’s full-time/modified/the no. of days. The pack will include a variety of NewLife products like Immuflora, Herbal Klenz Powder, Super Green Food Plus, Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Honey, Enema bucket or Enema bag, Organic enema coffee, etc.


The DRP Booklet
This is the DRP Bible. It contains all the information you’ll need to undergo and complete the DRP successfully. It explains the whole process clearly and tells you what each product in the pack does. It also contains information on how to prepare your coffee enema and administer it. Also teaches you how to maintain your health after the DRP. You’ll find yourself referring to it constantly throughout the DRP as the schedules and drink formulas are all printed in this handy booklet. A must-have.

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— A juicer
You’ll have to decide which one fits your needs and budget in considering what to get. A typical juicer that you get from the store is what they call a centrifugal juicer. It has a rotating blade which operates at very high speeds to cut up the fruit and separate the juice from the pulp. Because of the high rotational speed, heat is produced, which can destroy the enzymes in the juice. Such juicers also do not extract fully the mineral, enzyme and water content of the fruit/vegetable. However, they are very economical if you’re on a budget. And some good juice is definitely better than none at all.

The other option is a masticating juicer, which extracts juice by crushing and squeezing the produce. The juice extracted is higher in quality and yield. The enzymes and mineral content of the produce is retained. However, such juicers cost alot more than centrifugal ones. There are quite a few options out there that you can choose from. A popular one these days is the Hurom Slow Juicer. It costs a little over S$600 and is made by the same Korean company that manufactures the Alpha DA-900 (S$628, Member’s price) that’s sold by NewLife.

The Hurom and the Alpha are known as the Oscar VitalMax 930 and the Oscar VitalMax 900 respectively overseas. There’s even a newer model out called the Oscar VitalMax DA-1000, which isn’t available through NewLife.

The Hurom is newer than the Alpha and it yields about 15-20% more juice. It’s also a teeeeensy bit faster  than the Alpha. To see how these two compete side by side, you can watch a comparison between them here.

HOWEVER, the Hurom can only do one thing — juice. The Alpha on the other hand, can do much more. It can: Juice, Extract nut milk, Mince & chop, Grind meat and coffee beans, Make pasta, Mill food, Mill grains.

Check out what the amazing Alpha can do: Part 1, Part 2.

It costs a little over S$600, like the Hurom, but it can do so much more. It also looks a little easier to clean than the Hurom. A friend of mine told me that the Hurom can be purchased through Qoo10.sg at half the price, delivered directly from Korea. However, it doesn’t come with any warranty because it’s sold to another country. If you purchase the Alpha from NewLife, there’s a 20-year warranty for the motor and a 5-year warranty from defects in material and workmanship on selected components.

After alot of thought, research and discussion with my partner D, I decided to go for the Alpha and get it from NewLife because of its many functions and long warranty period. That covers the juicer section.


— Fridge space
You’ll definitely need alot of fridge space for the DRP. If you’re just juicing for one person alone, you’ll be juicing at least 8 carrots and 4 apples a day. That’s 56 carrots and 28 apples in a week! Not to mention the other vegetables you’ll need to keep in stock to make the Hippocrates Soup you’ll be having for lunch and dinner every day. Because it’s just D and myself in our apartment (along with our cat, Fred), I don’t really have to fight anyone for fridge space. Still, I don’t have enough space for the whole week’s supply of carrots, apples and vegetables, which means I’ll have to make multiple trips to the grocer. That’s quite a hassle but I don’t have any other choice.

If you have more than one fridge, you can choose to dedicate at least half a fridge’s space for the DRP in order to accommodate all the fruits and vegetables you’ll need. But my guess is you’ll have to make about 2 trips to the grocer if you want everything fresh.


— Non-aluminum pots
It’s recommended that you not use cookware that contains aluminum to boil the coffee for the enema. That’s because trace amounts of aluminum can be dissolved and released into the solution otherwise. Aluminum is considered to be highly toxic, causes brain damage and is believed to play a role in causing Alzheimer’s. Use stainless steel pots, glass or enameled cast iron pots to boil the coffee. Use glassware to store the coffee solution.


— Distilled water
You’ll need plenty of distilled water to make the drinks and cook with during the DRP. I say forget bottled distilled water and get the 5-gallon ones with a dispenser. It’ll be alot easier for you, friendlier on the environment and more cost effective in the long run. Call up any one of those water suppliers and compare prices before you make a commitment. Since we switched to distilled water for drinking and cooking, we’ve never looked back. We use Field Catering & Supplies Pte Ltd, Tel: +65 6759 1771. If you wanna find out more about why distilled water is best for you, do research about this as much as you can. Some videos you can watch to get you started are:

1. The Shocking Truth About Water Part 1, Part 2
2. Distilled Water vs Filtered Water vs Bottled – The Journey of Water Documentary
3. Distilled Water vs Spring Water

— Organic food grocers
Getting good quality organic produce is one thing. Getting affordable organic produce is another. There actually are quite a few organic stores in Singapore these days dotted around the island. If you love taking a long drive, you can even go to the Lim Chu Kang area, or cross over to Johor and get them right off the ground. Unless you have too much money in the bank, I’d avoid the organic stores in town. Waaaaaay too expensive. Again, do your research and compare prices. My list below is far from exhaustive, but here are some grocers that you could get your produce from:

1. Zenxin Organic Food
Located in Pasir Panjang, they sell bags of juicing carrots (top and end lopped off) at an offer price of $9.99/1.5kg/bag. The main store has a wide range of stuff. These days, you can find Zenxin at many supermarkets, but you can only get the juicing carrots at that price at the main store in Pasir Panjang. Join them as a member for a small fee and get 10% off your regular priced purchases at the main store. If I’m not wrong, membership is free when you spend above a certain amount.

2. Four Seasons Organic Market 
I go to the one at Great World City cause I like the celery here. Abundant, juicy, fresh, and at a good price though it’s near the city. They also have promos on items often and sometimes you can get a really good bargain.

3. Fireflies Health Farm
Located in Lim Chu Kang, you can order so much stuff from these guys. They also have a list of stores that they deliver to and you can find out from them which one is near you. If you’re ordering directly from them, delivery is free for orders over S$80. Call them to enquire. They’re really helpful.

4. BestOrganicFood.sg
They’ve probably got the best organic Australian carrot prices at S$2.50/500g. Downside is you have to order 2-3 days in advance as they only ship in the produce after they’ve received your order. The good thing is you’ll know it’s freshly shipped and packed from Down Under to your door.

5. Yes Natural
Located in the Tiong Bahru area, this store stocks produce from the Fireflies farm and sells it at the same prices. Convenient for those who live near the estate.

6. http://www.iHerb.com
This last store isn’t where you can get organic produce from, but it’s where you can get organic toiletries and supplements from, at really good prices. And, shipping costs are very low. Ever since Dr. Melanie Phuah introduced me to this site, I’ve been a loyal fan. You can get practically everything here. From organic cereal to organic salad dressing to organic toiletries, and not to mention supplements. Not only is the range huge, the stuff comes at a fraction of the cost here. After all, if you’re going to go on the DRP, you might as well go all the way and invest in organic toiletries. It doesn’t cost that much, trust me. Check out this site, and you won’t ever regret it. You’ll be glad you did. U can use LAQ869 to get ten dollars off your first order.

Okay, I think I’ve covered alot of ground about getting prepped for the DRP. Now for the REAL deal; the actual process itself!

The beginning of a new me… My 7-Day Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme (DRP) Journey — Day 1
The beginning of a new me… My 7-Day Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme (DRP) Journey — The Night Before

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